Woke Olympics – Anti-racist Racist Club
The recent discourse on racism has led to some questionable responses and conclusions. A new breed of anti-racists is willing to label anyone as racist. Even fellow minorities.
Recently, two viral incidents dominated national discourse. One was the viral video of a Ngee Ann Polytechnic lecturer harassing an interracial couple. In the video, the lecturer confronted the Indian man, even accusing him of being racist for daring to date someone of another race while at the same time accusing him of preying on a Chinese woman. Whereas this incident quickly elicited a wave of condemnations on social media culminating in the lecturer’s sacking, the other incident had more divided reactions. PA used a wedding photo of a Malay couple without their permission for a Hari Raya decoration. What many saw as a clear-cut case of privacy infringement quickly spiralled into debates about whether PA’s mistake amounted to racism.
In these two cases, anti-racist and woke activists mindlessly echoed catchy anti-racism slogans online to bulldoze through anyone who disagreed with their diagnosis of the incidents, even attacking reasonable people who were also upset with racism. Minorities themselves were not spared. Lacking self-awareness, being obnoxious and unbearable, these ‘woketivists’ ironically sow more division and conflict than their movement can ever resolve.
Mental gymnastics
While others were celebrating and affirming interracial relationships in the face of bigotry, the woketivists were performing mental gymnastics to ‘problematize’ interracial relationships. Despite proclaiming themselves to be anti-racists, they ended up throwing up arguments that accused interracial couples of racism, just like the racist lecturer did. For example, Twitter user Puan Hannah said:
Not only is it ridiculous to associate interracial couples with racism, it is even worse to point the label at the minority person. In her attempt to out-woke the discourse on the incident, she ends up making nonsensical points. Woketivists often like to step defend the freedom to love in LGBTQQIP2SAA+ discourse, but she shoots herself in the foot to then demonize personal dating preferences. Puan Hannah thinks that it is racist for Malay men to prefer Chinese women. The racist lecturer thinks:
“I think it’s racist that Indians prey on Chinese girls.”
Many bigots here still hold on to similar prejudiced stereotypes that minority men prey on Chinese girls. Not long ago, infamous ‘Hwa Chong’ bigot, Beow Tan, frequently invoked the ‘menacing minority man’ caricature in her numerous racist tirades. Repackaging such caricatures underneath woke, anti-racist language as Puan Hannah does only serves to perpetuate such stereotypes.
The arrogant moral certainty and superiority expressed by these ‘anti-racist’ rants not only don’t make sense, it is a turn-off. Consider this self-styled Twitter anti-racist woketivist, Mysara. Not only does she project that interracial couples have mixed race baby fetishes, the way she says it makes it insufferable. In typical woketivist fashion, she tries to out-woke the comments section and ‘problematizes’ the people who were just as outraged by the lecturer’s racism.
It is this arrogance that undermines even other people who are sympathetic to promoting and upholding multi-racialism and harmony. This arrogance also spares no one, not even other minorities themselves.
When woke Chinese tell minorities how to be outraged
Woketivists claim to represent and stand for the ‘oppressed’ and ‘marginalised’. However, some of the responses to the recent PA incident expose their hypocrisy. As the debate over whether the PA incident amounts to racism raged on, some guilt-stricken Chinese wokes who felt the answer was clear cut even accused other Malays themselves of ‘internalised racism’. Much like Puan Hannah, anyone who doesn’t fit into their narrow view of things can be labelled as racist. Even the victims of racism themselves.
The irony of a majority person calling a minority person racist aside, they also believe that all minorities have to think and feel the same way. Denying their individual capacity to think and form their own opinions just because they are from the minority sounds pretty racist. Worse still, the dismissive attitude towards minorities is condescending towards lay and working-class people that wokes like to pretend they care about so much.
Despite their pretentious attempts to be the champions of the underclass and oppressed, they have surprisingly much in common with the racists they claim to hate so much. Their mental gymnastics are just masturbatory attempts at out-woking each other in the comments section to feel good about themselves, leading them to make strange arguments that sound ludicrous to any reasonable person. Following in the footsteps of Mysara, let’s make this clear – having a fetish for problematizing everything and being condescending to others are not going to end racism.